Legends South
Eureka, Missouri
The Legends South Community Board of Directors continues to work hard to try and make Legends South a great place to call home!
In 2024, we completed many projects, they are listed here:
  • Replaced drain grates in the pool per St. Louis County regulations
  • Completed the caulking of the pool deck
  • Made a cost-effective repair on the pool slide
  • Patched and painted around the edge of the pool to hold off a much more expensive fix
  • Cleaned and painted the water features
  • Replaced the lifeguard chairs and purchased a fridge for the lifeguards
  • Yearly sewer inspection and cleaning
  • Continued repairs to streets and sidewalks for Phase 2 of project
  • Made upgrades in some cul de sacs and the Legends View Island
In 2025 we may plan for:
  • Parking lot resurfacing
  • Mulching the playground
  • Continue with upgrades to the cul de sacs
  • Maintenance on the monuments
  • Begin Phase 3 of the streets and sidewalk repairs project
Lastly, HOA dues are paid annually and are due by March 1, 2025. Over the last five years, we’ve encountered some unexpected expenses and made needed capital improvements which resulted in deficits. In 2020 we installed the fountain and electricity in the retention pond by the Legends South Pool. The 2021 budget wound up in deficit due to the extensive concrete work, the almost doubling of our insurance, and pool slide replacement. In 2022, we encountered an extensive leak in the pool house bathrooms to the extent of replacing drywall, wood, insulation, and painting. In 2023, the pool cameras and equipment were stolen, and damage done in the pool area. In 2024, we repaired the edge around the pool as well as the water feature and had to replace drain grates per St. Louis County regulations. To keep up with rising costs of goods and services and to continue the concrete repair project, the increase in HOA fees of $1000 per household will continue.
Remember to register and/or update info on the community website, www.thelegendssouth.org, if you have any questions, you can use the ‘contact us’ link to send an email. Registration information is used so you can receive email notices. If you need to review any of the declarations, amendments, or the by-laws, they are all on the website. You can click on this link Legends South Documents, or when you log onto the website, go to MEMBERS, then DOCUMENTS. This is also where correct paperwork necessary to submit an Architectural request is located.
Lastly, HOA dues are paid annually and are due by March 1, 2025.
See attached for payment details.

The Annual Meeting of The Legends South Homeowners Association is scheduled for Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 7 PM.
At this meeting we will elect officers, vote on Amendments, and provide owners with updates within the community. The meeting will be held at Eureka Firehouse #1 located at 4849 Highway 109, Eureka, MO, 63025.

Enclosed in this packet is the meeting agenda, nomination form for two (2) new board members, and proxy (if you cannot attend the meeting). There will also be 2 amendments to vote on that the Board is proposing.

1.Shall Article IV: Membership and Voting Rights, Section 4.2 (a) be amended to remove the last sentence of the paragraph "All votes must be cast in person by the Voting Member at the meeting in which the vote is held" to allow voting by proxy.

2.Shall Section 11.2: Creation of Assessments be amended to provide that the total amount of General Assessments allocable to each Lot does not exceed $1000.00 in calendar year 2024 and thereafter.

If you would like to nominate yourself or another homeowner (with their permission) fill out the attached nomination form and return it to my office, no later than February 24, 2025. The election will take place, and ballots will be provided at the meeting. If you cannot attend, please complete the proxy, and return it by February 27th, or give it to the homeowner that you assign to vote on your behalf at the meeting.

Snow plowing to be initialized at 1"
There will be two dedicated trucks, one starting from the front, the other from the rear
Salting:  Full Salt Pass
- A pre-salt pass will be initialized two hours prior to a predicted freezing rain event or a more than 4" predicted sow event.
- A Salt pass to be applied to all streets after a plow pass
Salting:  Hill touch up:
Stone Spring Drive.
The back half of Legends View Drive,
Upper Bluffs View Ct.,
Legends Bluffs Ct.,
Palisades View Dr., and
Meramec View Dr.,
Bow Hunting will begin September 15, 2024 and go through January 15, 2025
It is allowed during daylight hours only
List of Common Ground areas located in The Legends South, that their HOA Board has approved for Bow Hunting by the membership of Certified Bow Hunters of St. Louis County. Also listed are City of Eureka properties that are approved.
All hunting activities are to be in compliance with Eureka Deer Control ordinance No. 2503, and the specific guidelines from the Missouri department of Conservation.
1.    Bluffs View Court: #605
2.  Grandview Ridge Court: #610 #680 & #681
3.    Legends Bluffs Court: #612
4.    Legends View Drive: #501 #554 #748 & #956
5.    Meramec View Drive: #400 #401 & #659
6.    Palisades Ridge Ct #209 / Palisades View Drive: #655
7.  Southern Hills DR #530 & #776
8.  The Legends Parkway: #490 & #594
9.  Vista Hills Court: #647 ˦
10.  CITY OWNED PROPERTIES: #99 & #187 Williams Road
The full contract can be found here

Updates from the Road Committee can be found here

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